
To know the difference you have made in the lives of your beneficiaries, fill out this canvas and be proud of your achievements!

What is this for?

This canvas will give you a sense of pride in acknowledging the impact you’ve made in our society in your own little way

Canvas Guide

Step 1

Download this PDF and print it on A3. You can also draw it out on a paper if you can’t print

Step 2

List down your Direct and Indirect impact numbers with the Audience that you have worked with in the past year

Step 3

Mention the realities you encountered before you started this Intervention. What was the situation of your target audience, what were their struggles and what needed to be done?

Step 4

Mention how the situation is better for them now post your intervention

Step 5

Collect a few Testimonies from your target audience and put it up in this Section with their photographs. What do they have to say about the initiative and how has it helped them improve their livelihood