
This tool is designed to give a better understanding about the existing organizations, activities or initiatives that are running in area of work. Listing down these details will give you a holistic idea about the current operating scenario. You can then go ahead and start your Partnerships or collaborations with these Organizations.

What is this for?

This tool will help you gather information about the organizations operating in the same space, their day to day activities, the gaps which you can fill and so on. Having an understanding about the existing entities in the market will help you create a solution that is most relevant and useful.
Knowing the gaps that the other organizations have in their business model can help you pitch your idea for collaboration in the best possible way

Canvas Guide

Step 1

Download this PDF and print it on A3. You can also draw it out on a paper if you can’t print

Step 2

List down the NGOs, entrepreneurs or organizations working in the similar space.

Step 3

List down all the Limitations and gaps that these Organizations have. This will help you improve your solutions by taking care of the unaddressed issues

Step 4 

Gather Data by listing down the day to day activities that are undertaken by these organization

Step 5 

List down the Influencers who you think would be beneficial to you in the long run or during the setup stage